Contact us
Company HBB - Altmark
39 579 Hüselitz
Dorfstrasse 43
Phone: 039365/94108
E-mail Address:
Opening times during the holidays:
Am 24.12.2010 von 09:00 bis 12:00 clock
On 25 and 26/12/2010 no telephone service
In the period from 27.12. to 30.12. reduced opening times; 9:00 bis 17:00 clock
31.12.2010 We are accessible from 9:00 bis 12:00 clock. As of 03/01/2011 back, the normal opening times.
Company HBB - Altmark
39 579 Hüselitz
Dorfstrasse 43
Phone: 039365/94108
E-mail Address:
Opening times during the holidays:
Am 24.12.2010 von 09:00 bis 12:00 clock
On 25 and 26/12/2010 no telephone service
In the period from 27.12. to 30.12. reduced opening times; 9:00 bis 17:00 clock
31.12.2010 We are accessible from 9:00 bis 12:00 clock. As of 03/01/2011 back, the normal opening times.